RAFIU FISHBONE - Water Management Issues
Water Management Issues Existing low cost technologies that can save lives today 1. Chlorination Adding chlorine in liquid or tablet form to drinking water stored in a protected container. At a dose of a few mg/l and contact times of about 30-60 minutes (one teaspoon of domestic bleach to 20 litres of water and leaving it for one hour). Free chlorine generally inactivates >99.99% of enteric bacteria and viruses, provided water is clear. Household chlorination has achieved widespread use, and is appropriate for on-site disinfection. 2. Solar disinfection One low cost technique involves exposing water in clear plastic bottles to sunlight for six hours e.g. on the roof of the house (or for 2 days if the sun is obscured by clouds). One can also paint the plastic bottle black. A combination of heat and ultra-violet radiation from the sun are used to inactivate pathogens present in water. The water should be consumed directly from the bottle or transferred to a clean...