We’re not living in a constitutional Republic says Mark Levin
Nationally syndicated radio host Mark Levin said on his Thursday broadcast that he is “becoming increasingly radicalized for liberty” in the face of an “increasingly inhumane, increasingly vicious” and “tyrannical” federal government. Levin went on to criticize a proposal made Wednesday by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to pay doctors for discussing end-of-life options with senior patients. “Families have these discussions -- children with their parents -- not the federal government paying doctors and nurses to have this discussion so they can just wipe them off the Medicare roles,” Levin said. Here is the full transcript of what Levin said: “I am becoming increasingly radicalized, ladies and gentlemen -- radicalized for liberty, radicalized for really taking the federal government, taking it to it and breaking it up. And I’m gonna tell you another reason why in a second. “But this federal government is becoming increasin...