Wunpini Review on Coz ov Moni film
Tamale is not only becoming a hub of musical talents, entrepreneurs, activists, and authors, but also film critics. Wunpini F Mohammed born in Tamale, Ghana, with a BA in English and Spanish from the University of Ghana, and completed a master's degree in Rhetoric and Technical Communication at Michigan Technological University. Wunpini has no film certificate or degree but her review on Coz ov Moni film, starring Wanlov The Kubolor, M3NSA, Reggie Rockstone, Samini, Panji Anoff, Mutombo Da Poet and Directed by King Luu. Wunpini Review on Coz ov Moni film '' Described as the world’s first pidgin musical, Coz ov Moni was exactly what the Ghanaian movie industry needed when it was released in 2010. The movie, directed by King Luu, written by the FOKN Bois and produced by Panji Anoff stars Wanlov The Kubolor and M3NSA (FOKN Bois). The FOKN Bois duo have contributed immensely to arts, entertainment and culture in Ghana with their th...