The Neglected Capital in the Fight against Poverty and Injustice
The Neglected Capital in the Fight against Poverty and Injustice Camfed founder Ann Cotton travels to Davos this week, where she will ask the world to rethink what capital means in the fight against poverty and injustice. Armed with thousands of stories from over 20 years of Camfed’s work in girls’ education, she describes the transformational leadership provided by young African women graduates in the poorest districts of sub-Saharan Africa. Camfed alumnae in the CAMA network are helping to develop the rich capital innate in their communities, using their experience of exclusion, and their empathy, to impact on the lives of generations, delivering scalable, sustainable change at personal, community, school, national and international level. “The world needs to listen to and learn from poor communities,” says Ann. “Camfed’s program was designed by the communities we serve, and has proven its scalability. In 1991, I supported 32 girls to go to school. By 2014...