
Showing posts from July 31, 2016

Mumuni Yirifa Yunus First Novel “Tohazie (The Red Hunter)" Released on Wattpad.

Writer and Editor of TheYirifa, Mumuni Yirifa Yunus has launched his first novel, “Tohazie (The Red Hunter)" on free online Library Wattpad. The writer cum broadcast journalist has so far released three chapters on the online library in the past few days and is “ready to release the rest simultaneously. The historical fiction book which is currently only online is a ‘short’ novel on Abdul Aziz Tohazie, the founder of one of the last ancient yet existing kingdoms in Africa, Dagbon. It tells a story of Tohazie’s exploits and how he landed in West Africa to form the kingdom. Mr Yirifa Yunus told Sanatu Zambang that even though the story seeks to bring accurate account of the early life of Tohazie, all characters except Tohazie are fictitious. Yirifa Yunus told Sanatu Zambang, ''He is impressed with the attention the novel is already getting, three days after its release. I’ve serialized the story into chapters which are released on wattpad and several whatsapp platforms ac...