Hygiene and sanitation promotion '' when done in culturally appreciate ways'' are among the most cost-effective health interventions
 to prevent an individual from losing one year of health costs a mere $5 to $10. Which is equivalent to GH 16 to GH 32 per yea
  Every $1 is equivalent to GH3.2 spent on water and sanitation generates $4.30, equivalent to GH13.76. In increased productivity and decrease health care cost..
 .WASH programming reduce the number of child deaths related to diarrhea by 65percent.... Safe water and sanitation are crucial for preventing diarrhea disease in people living with HIV/AIDS,
 whose immune systems are two to six times more susceptible to disease such as diarrhea. They also need adequate nutrition in order to respond to antiretroviral therapy.
Poor WASH is linked to childhood under nutrition, cognitive delays and stunning. Open defection is a determinant of stunting and prevents children from growing tall and becoming healthy productive adults.. Access to clean water and safe latrines is important for communities wanting to stop the spread of bacterial diseases and to ensure that women and young girls have a secure place to practice safe and healthy menstrual hygiene.
 . Neglected tropical diseases '' NTDs '' affect 1.4 billion and cannot be permanently eliminated without the provision of safe water.Interventions such as nutritional supplements, combined with improved sanitation and hand washing with soap can reduce stunting by 4.5 percent, compared to 0.1 percent decrease with nutrition interventions alone...

Child and maternal health HIV/AIDS, neglected tropical disease, food security, nutrition and other development efforts can be more effective during initial implementation and more sustainable over the long term, if they include WASH as integral to their programme design and budgeting...


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