Reducing the global burden of type 2 diabetes

Reducing the global burden of type 2 diabetes by improving the quality of staple foods: The Global Nutrition and Epidemiologic Transition Initiative Global Nutrition and Epidemiologic Transition Initiative countries with pilot data have documented key barriers and motivators to increase intake of high-quality staple foods. Notably, rice and wheat products accounted for over half of the contribution to energy consumption from staple grains, while the trends for contribution from roots and pulses generally decreased in most countries. Several scholarly articles have illustrated the nutrition transition by describing the increase in the quantity of macronutrients, mainly fats and carbohydrates, consumed per capita in most countries .
At the population level, two factors have been proposed as major reasons for the rapid increase in diabetes worldwide: an epidemiologic transition where communicable diseases have decreased as the major causes of death . The prevalence of type 2 diabetes has been reaching epidemic proportions across the globe, affecting low/middle-income and developed countries. The drivers of the epidemiologic transition are multifactorial, but include social and economic growth, urbanization, and globalization of technologies and food production . By SANDRA RILEY › Healthy Living Herbs | Cleansing | Meditation


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