MORE FARMERS TO BENEFIT FROM THRESHERS The Feed the Future - Ghana Agriculture Technology Transfer (ATT) project worked with Agromite Limited to demonstrate the use of threshers at the Zebilla Bazua, Gushegu, and Northern Regions of Ghana. Approximately 330 people consisting of lead farmers, tractors operators, out-growers and service providers participated in the demonstration
The second demonstration became necessary due to the positive impact the threshers had in the lives of the previous years beneficiaries. Abu Nabong, a farmer in Nwanduonu in the Sissala East District of the Upper West Region, for instance, was able to thresh more the 255,900 bags of maize in two communities. " I have had a 100 percent turnover increase from 30 to 60 and I hope to expand my farmer base from 150 to 225 - the livelihood of my nuclear and extended family has improved " he said. The equipment which de-husks and shells maize and also threshes soybean, saves time and labor. Traditionally farmers shell maize by hand the job takes days to complete. Currently, B4' B3A and B3 multi-purpose crop shellers are the three type being promoted. Agriculture Technology Transfer project assistant grants manager, Mark Bruce, explained to farmers that under the initiative, the project is absorbing 70 percent of the cost, while qualified farmers to pay the remainder. Aside from the project support ATT partnered with FINGAP to facilitate loans from financial institutions, such as Sinapi Aba rural banks and others institutions for those who qualify but cannot afford 30 percent contribution. Some 326 farmers at the demonstration expressed keen interest in acquiring the equipment because it addresses the major challenge of post harvest losses. A total of 81 applications were received at the end of the demonstration 59.3 percent requested B3 multi-crop shellers, while 28.4 percent and 12.3 percent desired the B3A and B4 types respectively.


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